Грег на Myspace: В добавок к фотографиям на сцене во время тура Системы, я устанавливаю маленькие HD-камеры с разных сторон на каждом концерте и запускаю их на время всего шоу. Иногда получается по-настоящему классный материал.
На шоу в Берлине прошлым вечером огромный круговой "пит" организовался во время "War?", походивший на ураган из сотен людей и ставшим настолько сумасшедшим, что остальная часть публики им аплодировала.
В конце можно услышать, как группа отреагировала на это бешеноство."
he wrote below: "Right now I'm in Berlin with System Of A Down, documenting the second half of their World Tour (very excited to be going to Moscow this week!). Mostly shooting video, for an upcoming DVD. And they've made a t-shirt again with some of my live photos."
DVD yes yes yes
they've made a t-shirt again with some of his live photos yes yes yes Обичам те, Цвети!
free thinkers are dangerous
every morning when I wake up I pray this day to be my last day
Сообщение отредактировал dani_soad - Пт, 17.06.2011, 16:28
John says "Soon" Album? New dates? DVD? What do you think
Dates, i think. Greg said that he don't know, when the DVD will be released, because there's a lot to do. As far as the album is concerned, I stopped to expect it till the year of 2011. 2012, later of never. Our days are never coming back... My trading page
Allyo people.1st of all, I wanna thank every one of u for all ur unconditional love through out the years. And because of u we just hit 10 mill Likes. Now Secondly my official site http://www.facebook.com/officialshavo is almost at 40,000 likes!! WHo thinks they can help me hit 100,000? (I don't wanna use ads, and all that. Lets do this organically.) Show me ur love Folks.. Peace and Positivity, sHaVo
Шаво в конец зазнался и клянчит "мне нравится" для себя на фейсбуке Our days are never coming back... My trading page
Greg: "I will be with them for their South American tour run! All five shows - shooting video the entire time for 2 weeks...I'm looking forward to more great SOAD times on the road."
Shavo: "Just had an amazing rehearsal with System!!! Gotta tell,, it feels better every time!! So lookout South America!!!!!Peace!! "
Greg: "Ok, here it is finally... the new, official portrait of System Of A Down...There are other versions of this picture that have already leaked online, but this is the one that all 4 band members loved and approved :)"
Обичам те, Цвети!
free thinkers are dangerous
every morning when I wake up I pray this day to be my last day
Сообщение отредактировал dani_soad - Пт, 23.09.2011, 13:36